I will be the first to admit that the last month or so has just been crappy. My mother was in the hospital way to long and then once she was released and healthy, on queue I got really sick. My guy knew I was really sick because I didn't make a thing for the week I was stuck at home. Instead I watch a lot of bad tv confirming in my mind that we really can get rid of it.
I am doing much better now; I no longer have a fever and I can actually talk. Best yet I am plotting and have started many fun projects. I may have to go into some quilt over drive because everyone I know, or close to everyone I know is pregnant. I feel I am in the middle of a baby boom and my sewing machine and i are doing the best we can to keep up.
My worry knitting is almost completed which is a good thing because like Madame Defarge I noted all that happened in that knitting over the last month and to be quite honest I will be happy to put the needles down.
I promise to take many pictures just as soon as I find the camera in the wreckage of our apartment