Friday, February 1, 2013

I confess to being a bit trepidatous about posting again for fear of what might come if I actually started speaking the thoughts in my head. Maybe the dirty secret of caregiving is how uncaring you feel after awhile. There comes to be a point of numbness.  Yeat's said "too long a sacrifice can make a stone of the heart" this is the dirty secrete of caregiving. The simultaneous feeling of deep passionate sadness and the coldness that comes when you have felt too much pain for too long.

But that isn't what I came here to say tonight! No I came here to say I went to see a play tonight and spent two hours laughing and it was marvelous. I saw an elementary school production of Oliver. A old coworkers daughter was in it. It was fabulously awful. About 30 eight to fourteen year olds stumbled their way through. You could see the devas and dodger stole the show. The program, which was printed like a real playbill will bring me hours of enjoyment. Afterwords the children were filled with excitement so much so that you couldn't help remembering that moment in your life. They gave autographs in awkward handwriting of a newly learned hands. It was perhaps the most fun I have had in two months. I am thinking of only seeing elementary school productions from now on. I laugh for two hours for 10 bucks that's cheaper then a movie in New York City.

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